
Vertical structuring of the word formation fi eld of compound terms (On the material of the Russian and German clinical terminology)

Compound terms correspond to the criteria of compounds to a diff erent degree, which allows the author to consider them as a fuzzy set, structured from the perspective of the fi eld approach. Word formation fi elds of Russian and German clinical compound terms are structured in accordance with the diff erent compliance degree of terms with compound criteria. The research objective is to structure the word formation fi elds of Russian and German compound terms vertically. The research material constitutes samples of 1545 Russian and 2882 German clinical compound terms.

Integrity of the language system in the aspect of the derivative cognition of the world

The article reveals the integrative qualities of natural language from the perspective of cognitive approach. The purpose of the study is to identify the prerequisites and specifi c illustrations of the language system integrity from the point of view of linguistic and mental interaction. Particular attention is paid to semantic phenomena demonstrating the cognition-driven integrity of the language system.

The place of linguistics in modern sci-fi and fantasy studies

The article analyzes the most significant foreign studies of sci-fi and fantasy in order to define the place of linguistics in this sphere of research, to highlight relevant linguistic problems that require further research. Two main development directions of linguistic studies are emphasized, and the necessity of the further specifically linguistic study of certain problems is established.

Functional and semantic development of the Middle English lexeme milde (Based on the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse)

This article focuses on the features of the functional and semantic development of the Middle English adjective milde, which in the studied period was a means of moral and ethical evaluation. Middle English written monuments of the XII–XV centuries both religious and secular serve as the material of the study.

Lexis of a foreign language origin: Arabisms with the meaning of ‘Jewelry and occult objects’

In the article six lexemes of the thematic group ‘Clothes and household items’, the subgroup ‘Jewelry and occult objects’: diamond, fringe, beads, sultan, amulet, and mascot are considered according to the methodology proposed earlier by the authors, including the lexicographic, etymological and semantic aspects of the study of Arabisms, analysis of their syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, adaptation processes in the receiving language and use in its functional styles.

On the self-presentation in the sport discourse (On the example of mixed martial arts fighters’ discourse)

The article considers specific features of MMA fighters’ self-presentation. The strategy of self-presentation was studied predominantly on the basis of the political discourse, but it is used in the sport discourse as well. It has been found out that for self-presentation sportsmen actively use metaphors, epithets, similes, allegories, cliches, actualize such modality and formulas as ‘I am an underdog’, ‘I am the best’, ‘I am like you’.

Writing about French in French: Discourse features of a scientific article on linguistics

The paper examines the features of the linguistic discourse in French-language texts of modern scientific papers. The study proves that within the framework of studying linguistic texts, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of object-language, scientific theory, metalanguage, scientific discourse and metadiscourse. The analysis of 50 scientific articles based on the results of the World Congress in French Linguistics 2020, revealed metalinguistic, discursive and metadiscursive units that correspond to the levels and components of linguistic theory.

Communication failures: Causes and effects (On the example of political talk shows)

The article examines the causes of communication failures that occur in a TV conversation between journalists and experts invited to the studio of political talk shows. The article analyzes statements in live broadcasts that bring about communication failures; their effects are determined. It is shown that the main reason for communication failures in public space is speech aggression.

A historical event in the structure of a dialect text

The article considers a frame ‘a historical event’ being actualized in the dialect discourse on the material of two sub-corpora of Saratov dialectological corpus. The frame structure is established, the slots making up this frame are identified, the degree of their filling-up is analyzed. The author puts special emphasis on the influence of extra-linguistic factors that determine the frame conceptualization.

Language features of sports Telegram channels

The article considers linguistic peculiarities of the modern media language on the example of publications about sports topics in the Telegram messenger. The following Russian Telegram channels were selected as the material for the study: “Real football”, “Football with GOAL24”, “”. The author studies the news content for the period from July 2018 to July 2020; the ways of reflecting sport events and those close to sport in the texts are analyzed.
