
On the role of morphological means in an advertising text (Based on the English and French languages)

The article considers morphological means actively used in modern advertising text. The structure of the advertising text is studied, the characteristics of its main elements are given. The authors analyze how frequently the parts of speech are used in the English and French advertising slogans.

The concept of “love” as a component of native speakers’ linguistic picture of the world: The results of associative experiments

The article analyzes the role of “love” concept in the linguistic picture of the world of modern native speakers of different ages. Based on a number of associative experiments and quantitative analysis the research defines the most frequent semantic categories of the reactions of the respondents belonging to ten age groups. The authors focus on the dynamics of associations within the semantic category “negative emotions and states”

The role of curses in biblical communication

The article studies curses, which are actively used in interpersonal biblical communication. The study shows that statements have a spiritual component and stem from ethical considerations, they act as an integrating and regulatory mechanism aimed at stabilizing the situation, and are of a dialogical nature. Linguistic, theological, and discursive methods, functional and pragmatic analysis, and comparative methods are used.

Conceptual metonymical models of the ethical concept of “goodness” in Russian paremiology

The work analyzes conceptual metonymical models of the ethical concept of goodness in Russian paremiology. It is shown that the concept of “goodness” can be designated not only through its components such as a good action, good words etc., but also represent its cognitive components such as good relations. It is concluded that it is possible to use a linguistic and cognitive approach in the study of cognitive models of Russian proverbs and idioms.

Idioms as a means of creating the image of China in the English language media discourse

The article deals with the application of phraseological units in describing China in the English language media discourse. The evaluation in idioms is determined by means of discourse analysis which takes into account extra-linguistic, linguistic and cognitive factors. Subjective modalities specify the evaluative potential of idioms and show the mechanism of manipulating public opinion in the media discourse.

English discourse practices in terms of linguo-axiological approach

The article presents the results of systematization and analysis of the current vectors of discourse research in terms of linguo-axiological approach together with identification of perspective gap areas. The types of the English discourse, the value-evaluative parameters of which have already been fragmentarily determined, are pinpointed together with the analysis of key directions of linguo-axiological discourse research indicating the most likely trends in their development.

Communicative risks in the dyad ‘doctor – patient’

The article deals with the doctor’s communicative behavior and professional risks arising in the process of doctor – patient verbal communication. Obedience of linguistic and communicative norms proves to be the most essential factor in preventing a professionally ‘risky’ doctor – patient communication. In the process of investigation, speech tactics of doctor – patient communication, which can prevent possible professional risks, have been established.

Color as a religious semiotic code and the language means of its expression in the works of M. A. Bulgakov and O. Bоkeev

By means of an intertextual analysis the article considers color as a semiotic code along with its perception by Turkic and Slavic peoples. The subjects of the study are M. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita and O. Bokeev’s story The Trace of Lightning and its original text in Kazakh.

Antithesis as a structural and semantic principle of organizing a poetic text (Based on the poetry of Anna Akhmatova)

The article explores antithesis as the main structural and semantic principle of organizing the poetic context, focusing on the structural features and semantic content of antithesis in the poetic works of Anna Akhmatova. The article presents temporal, spatial, subjective, abstract antitheses and their implementation in various syntactic constructions of poetic text.

Poetic discourse as a derivative of pictorial representation

The article considers the directed interaction of different-code semiotic systems – verbal and pictorial (iconic), where the pictorial semiotic system is primary and is the basis for the secondary verbal system – poetic texts. It is argued that the phenomenon of poetic ‘translation’ and verbal actualization of painting is created while preserving a common cultural and moral code for both systems.
