Peer review procedure

1. All manuscripts submitted to the editorial office and conforming to the Journal specialization are reviewed; thereupon the editorial board arrives at the decision whether the paper can be published in the journal. 


2. The papers will be reviewed by independent experts and acknowledged specialists in the disciplines of the papers under review, who have published papers on this topic in the last three years.


3. The Editorial Board complies with the Publishing Ethics of the journals  "Izvestiya of the Saratov University. New series". Authors, submitting a manuscript for publication, and reviewers, agreeing to review the manuscript, also undertake to comply with the specified ethical standards.


4. Articles are reviewed anonymously by single blind review.


5. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts delivered to them are the private and confidential property of the authors. The reviewers are not permitted to copy the article for their own needs. The reviewing usually takes three months.


6. If the review indicates the necessity to edit the article, it is sent to the author to be corrected. The edited manuscript should be returned within one month. The edited text should have an attached letter with the responses to all the reviewer’s comments and explanations of introduced changes. Upon the receipt of the edited manuscript by the editorial board the text has a follow-up review. In case of a positive decision the manuscript is published on a first come first served basis; in case of a negative decision the manuscript is rejected.


7. The Editorial Board send the authors of the presented materials the copies of the reviews together with the decision that has been made, or a justified rejection.


8. Should an author disagree with the opinion of a reviewer the author is entitled to present a substantiated argument to the editorial office. The article may then be sent for an additional review. In case of controversy the decision is made by the chief editor, or by the whole editorial board should it be deemed necessary.


9. Reviews of the articles are stored at the editorial board of the Journal for 5 years at least.


10. Reviews shall be submitted to the State Commission for academic degrees and titles or the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation upon request.