Issues of higher education institution

Teaching and methodological potential of home reading guides in practical English course

The authors of the article share their experience in teaching philology students of Saratov State University Home Reading aspect as part of Practical English Course. The article highlights the teaching and methodological potential of the Home Reading guides in the course of studies. The Home Reading guides are made to be used as a series of original readers in the form of workbooks for the students of four diff erent language profi ciency levels: Elementary + (A1+), Pre-Intermediate (A2), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2).

Text syntax as a factor in fostering communicative competence of non-linguistic university students

Linguistic proficiency is an important component of communicative competence. Turning to such linguistic concepts of the text as colligation, collocation, cohesion significantly facilitates a comprehensive acquisition of foreign language constructions, and is a kind of a launching platform for teaching communication in a non-linguistic institution of higher education.

Some Aspects of Teaching Philology Students Writing English Final Essay

The article deals with teaching philology students certain aspects of Written English. It highlights several stages and aims of training university students and reveals levels of competence to reach.The article shows assessment criteria and problems of writing final advantages / disadvantages essays, analyses faults in the needed paragraphs, comments on lexical, syntactical and grammar mistakes of different types, and recommends some types of tasks to do.

Contemporary Medical and Pedagogical Discourse

The article aims to consider medical and pedagogical discourse as a special type of institutional discourse realized at higher medical educational establishments. The basic characteristics of medical and pedagogical discourse and the forms of its participants’ interactions are analyzed.

Contemporary Issues of Teaching Spanish in a Higher Education Institution

The authors of the article consider issues and features of teaching Spanish to the students of higher education schools: the role of teaching the second foreign language in a school of higher education nowadays is revealed, the most relevant theoretical and methodological aspects of this process are analyzed. Teaching the second foreign language in a higher education institution should focus on communication, and have practical, functional and skill-based approach.

Master’s Thesis: a New Generation Research Project

The article deals with the specific features of the graduation thesis within the framework of the degree program in linguistics (translation skills profile) alongside the implementation of the competency based approach at the institutions of higher education. An attempt is undertaken to analyze the basic requirements for Master’s and Bachelor’s theses at Volgograd State University and some German and Austrian translation institutions of higher education.

Intermediate and Final Assessment within the Competence Approach: Innovative Educational Technologies Implementation

Exemplified by the bachelors majoring in Philology, the peculiarities of the development and assessment of the competence and outcomes of the teaching process resulting from the mastery of the curriculum and within the final state assessment are analyzed in the article, new approaches to and design of the innovative assessment means at the intermediate and final levels are proposed.