
Zoonyms in the fi gurative space of the language: Metaphor, comparison, phraseological unit

This article discusses linguistic units which actualize the fi gurative potential of zoonyms (animalisms, animal names) – metaphors, comparisons, phraseological units. The purpose of this research is to establish the lexical and semantic features of the units included in the fi gurative fi eld of zoonyms.

Small-format text: The notion revisited (Theoretical aspects)

The article deals with the clarifi cation of the terminological concept of “small-format text”, in particular, an attempt is made to establish the criteria and boundaries of “small-format” in relation to the texts currently employed in the process of real communication. The topic is addressed due to the fact that the tendency towards the optimization of communication and reduction of textual volume represents a characteristic trend of modern speech interaction in all communicative contexts.

Linguistic Creativity of the Schoolchildren, Revealed in Conditions of the Associative Experiment

In the article, playing techniques of the schoolchildren’s reactions, the causes and the modes of the design of non-usage words are investigated on the material of the Associative Dictionary of the Schoolchildren of Saratov and the Saratov Region. Such reactions are considered as the manifestation of linguistic creativity of the schoolchildren.

Types of Secondary Speech Genres in Internet Communication

A classification of secondary speech genre based on the analysis of Internet communication genres is presented in the article. The author contrasts diachronic and synchronic types of secondary speech genres, explores the subtypes and the characteristics of their mani‑ festation in Internet communication.

Interjection Invectives and General Problems of Invectology

The article discusses the general problems of Russian invectol‑ ogy: the concept of «invective», the correlation of the invective and obscene language. A particular attention is paid to the communicative nature of interjection invectives and their functioning in the discourse.

Специфика лексико‑семантического поля «болезнь» в письменной научной речи медиков

Статья посвящена проблеме исследования речи отдельных соци‑ ально-профессиональных групп с позиций теории семантических полей. Рассматривается специфика лексико-семантического поля «Болезнь» на материале письменной научной речи медиков, дается структурно-функциональный анализ исследуемого поля.

Specific Features of the Lexico-semantic Field «Disease» in the Written Form of Scientific Medical Discourse

The article is concerned with the problem of investigation of the socialprofessional group discourse from the point of view of semantic fields. It describes the peculiarities of the lexico-semantic field «Disease» based on the material of the written form of the scientific medical discourse, presents the structural and functional analysis of the field under research.

The Principles of Adapting Spoken Informal Discourse into the Written One: Working with the Semantically Devoid Elements

The article focuses on the question of working with the semantically devoid elements when adapting spoken discourse into written. The author distinguishes functions with which semantically devoid elements can be endowed in the spoken variant of the memories under research, as well as the reasons of their being preserved in the written text or their elimination in processing. Possible principles were revealed by which an editor is guided upon an encounter with every case of author’s usage of semantically devoid elements.

Expediency and Efficacy of Using Language Game in High School Teachers’ Speech from the Students’ Point of View

The article examines the problem of the use of language game in high school teachers’ speech in communication with the students. The conclusions drawn in the article are founded on the analysis of the results of the questionnaire which had been held among the students of Saratov State University.

Conceptualization of a Greek Loan-Word of Orthodox Discourse Icon in a Literary Text (on the Material of the Texts of I.S. Shmelyov)

The article is focused on the conceptualization of Greek loan-words from the Orthodox discourse in literature. On the material of prose by I. Shmelyov we have analyzed the structure of the concept icon. It is possible to distinguish objective-notional, imagery-symbolic, and evaluative levels of the concept. Their distinctive features are shown to be determined by cultural and religious traditions and also explained by narrative characteristics of the works.
