
The Notion of Subject of Perception in the Language and Text Anthropology

The article focuses on the analysis of perception situation models in language and text. The subject of perception modeling in language semantics and in a literary work is not only the manifestation of the language and literary thought anthropocentrism but one of the ways of learning and philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of a human being, determination and unity of his spiritual and physiological nature.

To the Question of the Literary Concept Content‑Structure Feature Research in Linguocultural and Discursive Aspects

The article discusses general theory questions of modern linguistics related to the research of the literary concept phenomenon, its content-structure and functional feature. Special emphasis is placed on the question of the interrelation of the cultural and literary concepts in communicativediscursive aspect.

Peculiarities of Speech Realization on the Internet

The subject matter of the article is the peculiarity of the communication channel on the Internet. A close analysis of Forums, Chats and ICQ has given an opportunity to single out three types of text organization of Internet communication (text-conversation, discourse, Internetdiscussion,) and to prove that the Internet uses both direct and indirect channels of communication. 

Types of Evaluations in the Computer Sports Discourse of French-speaking Canadians

The article is focused on the problem of the evaluation component of sports chats with the purpose of analysing the priority values and establishing the typological classification of evaluating statements.

Metaphorization of the Computer Slang Lexis (on the material of the English language)

The role of metaphor in the formation of the modern computer slang is analyzed in the article. The main groups of lexis are singled out; they are used as the source of the figurative slang meanings formation; they are compared with the general language tendencies; the system of metaphorization sources is researched as the reflection of the unique world picture of this certain idiom.

Role of the Interlocutor’s Communicative Behaviour in the Usage of the Desemantized Discourse Elements

The article presents some observations of the formal and informal speech; the possible reasons of the desemantized elements being used, as well as the correlation between their usage and the communicate behaviour of the listener are analyzed.

Vocal Morphonological Systems in Nominal Inflection

In the article three autonomous classifications of the systems under investigation are offered. The structural one: 1) hierarchical polymodel weakly typified (Russian, Ukrain, Polish, Check); 2) non-hierarchical poly-model weakly typified (Old Greek, Icelandic, Bulgarian); 3) non-hierarchical mono-model highly typified (English, German, Latin). The substratum one: 1) archaic (classical); 2) innovational (modern Slavic, Germanic). The content one: 1) minimal (Germanic, except the celandic); 2) medial (Russian, Latin, Old Greek); 3) maximal (the rest of the Slavic).

Event and Its Participants (Based on the Associative Fields of Event Stimuli)

The article deals with event structure in the form in which it is reflected in the associative fields of the event names. The emphasis is made on the slot «Event participants», marked out in the procedure of the frame analysis of event stimuli’s associative fields. Different types of events are shown to have their own typical sets of participants; further analysis is made to mark out the participants’ ontological varieties, as well as the roles performed by them in what is going on.

The Study of Abstract Vocabulary: History аnd Tradition

The article deals with the history of the abstract vocabulary study. It observes the general theoretical ideas, which reveal the essence of this vocabulary layer taking into account the traditional views established during the XIXth – XXth centuries as well as the achievements of contemporary linguistic theory.

The peculiarities of the oppositional political discourse of Ugandan politician Bobi Wine

The article analyzes the political discourse of one of the most infl uential Ugandan opposition politicians, Bobi Wine, who is famous for his scathing criticism of Ioweri Museveni’s regime, existing since 1986. Bobi Wine, who offi cially started his political career in 2017, the year when he was elected in the Ugandan parliament, actually does not recognize the legitimacy of the rule of his ideological enemy. In the country the political myth is created according to which the opposition, and not Yoweri Musevini, won the presidential elections of 2021.
