
French lectures – 2022

The article presents a review of a three-day conference session “French lectures: teachers and students” (“Lectures françaises: maîtres et disciples”) as part of the 50th International  scientifi c philological anniversary conference named after L. A. Verbitskaya, which took place on March 15–23, 2022, at St. Petersburg State University. The work of this session was dedicated to the memory of its founder, Tatyana Solomonovna Taymanova (1954–2020), who made a signifi cant contribution to the development of the Russian and French literary and intellectual ties.

Journalism of the early 2020s: Challenges of the time

The article presents the chronicle of the XVII German-Russian Media Forum, held in November, 2020, in Saratov State University as part of the Year of Germany in Russia. The text highlights the main trends in the development of mass media in the early 2020s.

The memoirs of B. F. Egorov: Principles of the genre

B. F . Egorov is a philologist and a scientist whose creative work is closely related to Saratov University; he- attached great importance to diaries and memoirs as the most important sources for the reconstruction not only of historic events, but of the revival of spiritual biography of entire generations. The article analyzes the genre principles of B. F. Egorov’s memoirs.

Round table "History of Media Criticism in Russia"

The article by L.S. Borisova is dedicated to «History of media criticism in Russia» (06.12.2017, The Institute of Philology and Journalism, Saratov State University).
