
Means of Expressing Incivility in Speech Behavior of the Company Staff Members (As Exemplified in the US Serial The Office)

The article explores lexical, grammatical and stylistic means of expressing incivility in speech behavior of the company staff members. A range of linguistic and intonation means of expressing intentional and unintentional incivility is analyzed. It is revealed how impolite speech behavior can be gender-specific. The research is carried out on the example of stylized American English business communication.

How Gender Affects the Use of Organizational Discourse Markers in Popular-Science Discourse (Based on TED talks)

The article deals with the use of English organizational discourse markers which provide compositional and logical cohesion and integrity of the narration in spoken popular-science genre of TED talks. It is proved that on the level of speech organization male and female speakers using discourse markers demonstrate more similarities than differences.

Specific Characteristics of English Borrowingsin German and Spanish

The article studies the process of borrowing, adaptation and functioning of English vocabulary in national dialects of German and Spanish. The positive and negative factors of the English borrowings influencing these languages are examined.

Nomination of the Notion of “Heimat” with Lexeme “Alt” in the Context of the Essays by Russian Germans

The article deals with the analysis of nominations of the notion of “Heimat” with lexeme “alt” made by Russian Germans based on their modern essays. This paper characterizes Russian Germans and their language in terms of contact linguistics and history. Further, the comparative analysis of nomination “alte Heimat” used in relation to Germany and Russia is performed; general and specific points are identified. Comparative and interpretative methods, as well as contextual analysis method, are used in the article.

On the Forms of Actualizing Grammatical Categories in the Structure of a German Phraseological Unit

The article considers the grammatical characteristics of German phraseological units, highlights the dominant categorical grammatical features of nominal, verbal and verb-propositional phraseological units, and analyzes some possibilities for actualizing grammatical categories within a phraseological unit.

Military-Chemical Terminology: Genetic and Historical Analysis

The article considers the formation of military-chemical vocabulary from the dynamic perspective. The development of the military-chemical terminological sublanguage is presented from the point of view of its connection with the most significant events in the military history of Russia. Based on the results of the historical and linguistic analysis the main methods of term formation and term replenishment have been identified; the migration of terminological units over thematic groups has been shown.

The Concept Misery in the Eponymous Novel by Stephen King and Thriller Genre Conventions

The article considers the existing approaches in linguistics to the study of the concept verbalization in a literary text; a comprehensive approach is applied to the study of the concept ‘misery’ in the eponymous novel by Stephen King, which allows us to determine the contribution of linguaculture, genre and ideostyle of the author to this process. The hypothesis is put forward about the meaningfulness of Christian connotations of the concept ‘misery’ in King’s text.

KeyWords as a Tool for the Interpretation of a Literary Text

The author proceeds from the premise that key words are textual operators providing the translation of information from the factual level to the conceptual one. The mechanism of the reader’s interpretation of the text based on key words is described on the example of the story by V. Dragunsky A red balloon in the blue sky. The hermeneutic function of key words renders it possible to consider them a tool of the cognitive poetics of perception.

Conceptual Oppositions in the Formation of the Linguistic Identity of a Socialist Revolutionary of the Beginning the 20th Century V. М. Chernov

The work considers the ontological connection of linguistic existence and the national linguistic identity of the socialist revolutionary V. M. Chernov. It is attempted to identify the cognitive-pragmatic and value orientations of the linguistic identity of the Social Democrat and recreate the linguistic worldview of the epoch of the revolutionary crisis, by means of the analysis of conceptual oppositions in the discursive space of the author’s text.

Concepts of window and окно in the Genre of English and Russian Folk Ballads

The article deals with the lexicographic description of lexeme concepts window and окно in the mythopoetic view of the world exposed in the genre of folk ballad in the English and Russian languages. Using the methodology of thesaurus lexeme description and computational method of word processing, the lexical entries of the given concepts are provided along with the comparative analysis of the concepts reflected in the folk worldview of the two countries.
