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Luchina E. I. Conceptualization of a Greek Loan-Word of Orthodox Discourse Icon in a Literary Text (on the Material of the Texts of I.S. Shmelyov). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 16-19. DOI:

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821.161.1.09 –31+929 Шмелев

Conceptualization of a Greek Loan-Word of Orthodox Discourse Icon in a Literary Text (on the Material of the Texts of I.S. Shmelyov)

The article is focused on the conceptualization of Greek loan-words from the Orthodox discourse in literature. On the material of prose by I. Shmelyov we have analyzed the structure of the concept icon. It is possible to distinguish objective-notional, imagery-symbolic, and evaluative levels of the concept. Their distinctive features are shown to be determined by cultural and religious traditions and also explained by narrative characteristics of the works.

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