
Ambysemy and eurisemy as phenomena in term semantic structure (Based on English IT-terminology)

The article investigates such semantic phenomena as ambisemy and eurisemy, and how they are implemented in definitions of English IT-terms and lexical meanings of those determinologised lexical units. The research data is based on both English professional dictionaries and general English online dictionaries.

Conceptual domain CRIMINAL ACTIVITY as a source of metaphorisation in biological popular-science English discourse

The purpose of the article is to examine the conceptual domain CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, which happens to be one of the most productive source domains in structuring biological popular science discourse in English. The analysis of this metaphorical model makes it possible to draw valid conclusions regarding some special features of how the source domain CRIME functions in the given type of discourse.

Variants of the legal picture of the world in the English language

The article deals with different variants of the legal picture of the world emerging in the literary English language and its sociolects (terminology and jargon). The analysis shows that the diversity of the linguistic legal picture depends on the social and functional stratification of the language and various extra-linguistic factors.

Different functions of precedent phenomena in Russian colloquial speech

This article analyzes different functions of precedent phenomena in various linguistic and cultural forms of Russian colloquial speech. The author considers special features of precedent units being used in nominative, ludic, persuasive and password functions in different types of communication.

Names of kitchen utensils as elements of the food tradition (Based on the Vologda dialects)

The article considers the names of kitchen utensils as elements of the food tradition in the Vologda dialects. Different lexical dialect units that constitute a part of the thematic group “Kitchen utensils” are studied in this article. The meanings of these units and their functioning in speech are also analyzed.

Actualization of linguistic and cultural codes in dialect discourse

The article considers special features of actualizing linguistic and cultural codes in a dialect discourse on the material of two subcorpora of the Saratov dialectological corpus (the dialect of the village of Belogornoye and the dialect of the village of Zemlyanye Khutora). Verbalization methods of traditional, Soviet and cultural codes, as well as possibilities of their interaction and simultaneous implementation in the speech of dialect speakers are shown.

On the possibilities of the corpus-based study of the worldview of traditional popular culture members

The electronic dialect corpus, modelled on the basis of synthesizing linguistic and cultural data, has a great potential for studying the traditional popular worldview: its objective and conceptual segmentation, and its variations in different language communities and in different forms of popular culture verbalization.

Extra-linguistic factors and intra-lingual specific features of teaching Russian as a foreign language in groups of students from Laos

This article studies extra-linguistic and intra-lingual factors affecting the effectiveness of teaching Russian to cadets from Laos. The study analyzes the cultural typology of R. Lewis in relation to the extra-linguistic specific nature of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The translation of folklore and mythic names in magic worldview modelling in fantasy literature (Based on J. K. Rowling’s series of novels Harry Potter and their translations into russian)

The research focuses on fantasy literature peculiarities and points out the difficulties of translating the texts of such genre. The comparative analysis of folklore and mythical names translation is implemented as illustrated by two variants of translation of the literary work.

On rendering formally selected fragments in translation (On the material of french translations of A. S. Pushkin’s novel Eugene Onegin)

This article considers methods of rendering formally selected fragments of a poetic text in translation; the research is based on the material of 16 F rench translations of A. S. Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. The isomorphism of formally selected fragments depends on the poetic form as a whole chosen by the translator.
