
The Semiotic Character of a Term. On the Problem of Polysemy and Homonymy (Based on the Data of English IT-Terminology Dictionaries)

The article studies the semiotic character of an IT-term and sheds the light on its binary structure. The relationship between the signifier and the signified helps understand the correlation between the form and content of a term. The ideal term is supposed to possess one-to-one correspondence between the signifier and the signified. When this correspondence is violated and becomes asymmetric, polysemy and homonymy may occur.

Punctuation Techniques to Convey Expressiveness (Based on Modern Network Headlines)

The purpose of this article is to study the punctuation techniques of conveying expressiveness used by journalists in network headlines. It is proved that to increase the impact on the reader, journalists use question marks, rhetorical exclamations, parceling, a ‘chopped’ headline, etc. It is concluded that the study of punctuation techniques for conveying expressiveness allows us to better understand the trends that occur in modern journalism.

Functioning of the Qualifying Adverbs as a Part of a Predicate with the Synsemantic Verb in Speech

The study of the functioning of qualifying adverbs that make up the meaning of a synsemantic verb in modern press, business, scientific and everyday speech shows that such adverbs are most often used together with verbs of speech, intellectual or physical activity, mental perception, existence, behavior, attitude. In most cases, such adverbs contain various types of evaluations.

Religious and Medical Discourses: Meeting Points

This article deals with religious and medical discourses, which are considered from a sociolinguistic point of view. Their general sociolinguistic characteristic is given, common discursive signs are revealed, speech and communicative strategies and tactics, as well as ways of expressing them are described. A comparative analysis of these discourses has shown the unity of their purpose, means and methods aimed at treating physical and spiritual diseases.

Features of Placement, Theme and Expressive Means of Regional Outdoor Advertising (On the Materials of Simferopol)

The article analyzes the placement features, thematic focus and verbal techniques used in the text design of outdoor advertising in the city of Simferopol on the material of 200 advertising blocks. The prevalence of billboards and city formats among all advertising structures has been established. An insufficient number of vivid expressive means of verbal nature in the design of advertising is observed.

Historical Perspective of the Notion of Enumeration

This article represents the notion of enumeration from the historical perspective. The author traces changes in the interpretation of the nature and specific functions of enumeration from the ancient times to the beginning of the 21st century with reference to a number of leading linguists of different areas and linguistic schools.

To the Question of the Possibility of Determinative Adverbs to Act as Actants of a Proposition

The article deals with the types of determinative adverbs that can semantically and functionally converge with such actants as recipient, subject, deliberate, finitive, directive, distributive, destinative, instrumentive, posessive, potensive. The producing bases of such adverbs are usually relative adjectives. The role that such adverbs play in the sentence depends on their semantics, the semantics of the predicate, as well as on the context. That is why the same adverb can realize different functions in different statements.

Celtic Influence on the Formation and Contemporary State of Scouse

The article describes the results of the phonetic, lexical and grammatical analysis of the audio files recording the speakers of Liverpool English dialect. Based on the conducted analysis the authors explain how Celtic languages influenced the formation and contemporary state of Scouse.

Dialect in German Language Fairy Tales (Study Relevance and Interpretation Examples)

The article deals with the German dialect, which has recently been drawing the increasing amount of attention in German-speaking countries. Nowadays, the verbal genre of telling fairy tales is popular there, and fairy tales are related and represented by means of dialect more frequently. The authors of the article analyze the use of different dialecticisms and their textual functions on the example of the interpretation of two of the brothers Grimms’ fairy tales, in which separate dialect words from the Plattdeutch and the Hessen dialect are used.

Phonosemantic Associations in Lullabies (On the Material of the Russian and German Languages)

Based on modern ideas about the role of intersensory associations in the minds of native speakers, the problem of determining the universal characteristics and national specific features of the sound picture of the world is posed on the material of folklore texts for children in Russian and German languages.
