
Pleonasm as a Stylistic Reception in I. A. Bunin’s Prose (On the Example of the Story Natalie)

The article covers the analysis of pleonasm – a significant technique in I. A. Bunin’s individual style. A comprehensive systematic description of the text is carried out on the material of a complete text – the story Natalie – taking into account the context. The scientific novelty of the research lies in a complete and detailed analysis of the syntactic and semantic characteristics of pleonastic constructions in the prose text of I. A. Bunin, in revealing the range of their stylistic and intratextual functions.

The Author’s Proverb ‘Don’t Boast While Coming to Russia, but Boast While Scuttling Away Across the Border’ in the Russian Language of 1905–1907

The article analyzes the author’s proverb Don’t boast while coming to Russia, but boast while scuttling away across the border, which has not previously attracted the researchers’ attention. The analysis was accomplished with the help of the author’s technique of a diachronic analysis of transformed proverbs of the Russian language; the source proverb was determined. It was scientifically proved that the system prototype can be recognized in the author’s proverb, and the statement expressed in the author’s proverb was defined.

On Lexical Variability in Translations from the Dead Language (Flora and Fauna in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign and its French Translations)

The article discusses the phenomenon of lexical variability on the example of the names of flora and fauna in French retranslations of the Tale of Igor’s Campaign (11 texts). In the course of the study a number of reasons for lexical variability are determined: various reconstructions of the Old Russian text, parallel Russian texts from which translations were made, standard translator’s solutions.

Latin Heritage in Russian Morphemics: Adjectives with Final -alny

The material of the study presents adjectives of Latin origin with final-alny in modern Russian. This final is a morphemic complex. This can be interpreted in three ways, depending on the word-formation relations of specific adjectives. It may be a single suffix; a suffix with a submorph -n-; a suffix -n- attached to the root in -al-.

Nomenclature Signs in Legal Terminology of the English Language

The article deals with one of the complex issues of terminology – the problem of structural and semantic features of nomenclature signs coined with the help of proper names on the material of the terminological systems of the Anglo-American, international public, European law and the Organization of American States. On the basis of the analysis of the nomenclature units represented by the names of legal precedents, and taking into account the existing classifications of proper names, characteristic features of legal nomenclature signs were revealed.

Euphemisms as a Means of Concealing the Negative Facts of Reality in Speeches by US Secretary of State M. Pompeo

The article researches the peculiarities of the use of euphemisms in the speeches by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo which deal with the civil war in Yemen in 2015–2018, Saudi Arabia’s military participation in this war and the investigation of the murder of journalist J. Hashoggi in October of 2018.

Peculiarities of a Multicultural Literary Text as a Phenomenon of Modern Reality

The article deals with linguostylistic peculiarities of a multicultural literary text. It is attempted to show that the meanings representing a precedent phenomenon are actualized in the notional and figurative forms in the reader’s mind, thus enriching the imagery of the virtual reality of the text. The emphasis is made on the aspects of the literary image formation and its role in conveying the ethnic flair in the context of intercultural interaction.

Сognitive Space of the Metaphorical Models of ‘Antagonism’ in the Political Discourse of the Spanish Party Podemos

Using the tools of discourse analysis, the study reveals basic antagonisms that constitute the cognitive space of the discourse of the Spanish party Podemos. The confrontation of the people and politicians led to the creation of a holistic metaphorical model ‘POLITICS is ANTAGONISM’, which was subsequently transformed into several types of discursive oppositions analyzed in this work.

The Taxonomy of Political Discourse in Contemporary World in the Context of the Anthropocentric Paradigm

The article discusses political discourse as a communicative space of modern politics in the context of the anthropocentric paradigm. The following components of the political discourse have been outlined: the character of the subject and that of the addressee, genres of oral and written speech, the opposition of monologue and dialogue, the functions, the amount of information among the genres, the aim of speech.

Discourse as a Cognitive Mechanism

The article proposes a generalization of theoretical discourse studies as a product or result of social relations, as well as a mechanism or instrument of their construction and regulation. The author structures the ideas of discourse, most thoroughly developed in the national philological science, and focuses on the controversial issues related to the research of various types and forms of discourse.
