
Thematic Organization of Dialect Speech: Quantitative Analysis

The article is dedicated to the study of thematic organization of the dialect text by the allocation of lexico-thematic groups and their quantitative analysis.

Legal Reasoning and Language Technique of the Main Part of the Court Sentence

The article gives practical recommendations on the composition of the main part of the court sentence, which allow to develop skills of presenting the facts of the case and relevant evidence explicitly and precisely.

Descriptive Part of the Judicial Decision: Stylistic Model and its Realization (Stylistic Features)

The article studies stylistic peculiarities of the descriptive part of the judicial decision. Particular attention is paid to such issues as passage division of the text, the usage of verbal nouns, pronouns, and conjunction also.

«Phraseologisation» of Advertising Space, or a Play with the Lingvocultural Consciousness of Advertising Consumers

This article presents an analysis of phraseological units within the framework of advertising discourse. It examines the transformation of phraseological units in terms of both external and internal form. In addition to the substitution of the original components, their syntactic structure may also undergo changes, as well as their internal semantics, which directly touches upon the issue of meaning interpretation.

Clichés and Officialeses in Publicistic Text as a Translation Problem

In the article clichés and officialeses are considered as the problems encountered in the translation of the journalistic style texts (topical articles). The main transformations in the sphere of clichés are revealed to have been determined by the changes of the text pragmatic aspect.

Issues of Describing Russian Communicative Units Consisting of Syncategorematic Words

The article dwells on some questions dedicated to the description of communicative units – grammatically vague utterances that function as responses in a dialogue. The analysis is of the communicative units class containing only syntactic words, that is grammatical idioms, is held. Examples of the lexicographic description of such units are given.

To the Problem of the Communicative Analysis of Associative Data

The article discusses the possibility of revealing general and individual communication strategies on the material of free associative experiment data; the principle of distinguishing communicative strategies and speech tactics is introduced.

Happiness Images in Naive Consciousness (Experimental Aspect)

The article is devoted to the definition of content and acting types of correlation structures inside the image of happiness. Actualization intensiveness of constructive cognitive marks is analyzed in different age groups of respondents. Investigation result is structural model creation to show cognitive marks interaction inside the image of happiness.

Headlining Strategies of Modern Texts: Entitling in Poetry and Naming in Advertising

In this article are described some artistically-linguistic strategies of entitling (in poetry) and naming (in advertising) marking a tendency to the activization of aesthetic function in the advertising text and contributing to the presentation of goods as the topical advertising aim.

Modelling Cognitive Contexts of Verbal Irony (on the Material of the Russian and English Languages)

The research represented in the article focuses on the modelling of the process of ironic meaning construction. The modelling is realized in the form of hierarchically organized mental spaces. These are cognitive contexts that provide comprehension of irony.
