Cite this article as:

Artemieva P. S. Peculiarities of a Multicultural Literary Text as a Phenomenon of Modern Reality. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 395-403. DOI:

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Peculiarities of a Multicultural Literary Text as a Phenomenon of Modern Reality

The article deals with linguostylistic peculiarities of a multicultural literary text. It is attempted to show that the meanings representing a precedent phenomenon are actualized in the notional and figurative forms in the reader’s mind, thus enriching the imagery of the virtual reality of the text. The emphasis is made on the aspects of the literary image formation and its role in conveying the ethnic flair in the context of intercultural interaction. The author also introduces the method of interpretation of a literary character as a special technique of a multicultural literary text analysis.

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