
On the problem of changing the norms of the modern Russian language

The Russian language of the second and third decades of the twentieth century is undergoing signifi cant changes. In the modern digital world, the media is losing its position as the most infl uential sphere of communication, giving way to social networks that are far from normative. The monitoring of the state of modern speech (colloquial, mass media, scientifi c, business, artistic) carried out by the authors of this article shows that a number of changes are taking place in it. Notional parts of speech regularly undergo semantic and stylistic transformations.

Communication failures: Causes and effects (On the example of political talk shows)

The article examines the causes of communication failures that occur in a TV conversation between journalists and experts invited to the studio of political talk shows. The article analyzes statements in live broadcasts that bring about communication failures; their effects are determined. It is shown that the main reason for communication failures in public space is speech aggression.


The study of family nominations is an integral part of a different-aspect study of family communication and speech. In the article anthropocentric foreshortening examines the nominations of food and food, reveals the general and specific features of the lexicon of different families.

English Borrowings in the Written Variant of French (on the Example of IT Terminology)

The article is devoted to the study of French IT English loan words, their adaptation and different ways of integration in the French language. The article contains the data of the research on the frequency of IT English loan words usage that is the main way of IT terminology enrichment in the development of the modern French.

Vocabulary of Arabic Origin Meaning ‘Clothing, Headdresses’ and Its Functions in Spoken Russian

The article deals with the lexis of Arabic origin and its functioning in the Russian language. The ideographic approach to the research has been used: the author focuses on the lexical and thematic group ‘Clothing and household goods’, subgroup ‘Clothing, headdresses’. The following words have been researched: burnus, jelloba, jellabiia, ihram, paranja, savan (shroud), safari, sultan, khalat (dressing gown).