
Vectors of culture

This is a review of a collected volume of articles prepared by Professor M. Stroganov for his 70th Anniversary. The book intertwines two main academic interests of the author, mixed up in a special, unique to the researcher, methodological paradigm. These are the attention to the literary or folklore text as well as the focus on the diversity of Russian culture in its broadest spectrum: song and singing, music and painting, and the various facets of the theatrical arts.

On rendering formally selected fragments in translation (On the material of french translations of A. S. Pushkin’s novel Eugene Onegin)

This article considers methods of rendering formally selected fragments of a poetic text in translation; the research is based on the material of 16 F rench translations of A. S. Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. The isomorphism of formally selected fragments depends on the poetic form as a whole chosen by the translator.


In the article some mechanisms of formation of cultural memory in media (secondary) poetry, published on the Internet, are considered. The material of the study was the peculiarities of perception of Pushkin's creativity and biography in the works of network authors and discussions held on the largest Russian-language poetic resource. The subject of analysis is the specificity of mastering the classical heritage in media (secondary) poetry, its mythologization, as well as the reflection of the stable representations of Internet poets about poetry in the treatment of tradition.

Svidrigailov’s Nightmares and the Inferno of V. Nabokov’s Hero (on the Transformation of One Plot)

The article considers indirect plot allusions, V. Nabokov’s explicit and disguised references to the topic related to the terrible characters of Dostoyevsky, to the new embodiments of Pushkin’s and Dostoyevsky’s images.

The Features of the Road Motive in a Prose Fragment by Pushkin

The article considers the aspect, heretofore disregarded by the literary critics, of how the road motive functions in prose fragments by Pushkin, as well as determines aesthetic and world view fundamentals of why this motive is included in the text.

An «Old-time Russian Master» Troyekurov and an «Old-time Nobleman» Andrei Dubrovsky in the Variants of Pushkin’s Autograph of the Novel Dubrovsky

The article compares the variants of Pushkin’s autograph of the novel Dubrovsky concerning the images of the elder representatives of the nobility. Variants’ textual analysis allows to reveal the process of artistic idea implementation.