Cite this article as:

Konevets S. N. Svidrigailov’s Nightmares and the Inferno of V. Nabokov’s Hero (on the Transformation of One Plot). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 188-190. DOI:

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Svidrigailov’s Nightmares and the Inferno of V. Nabokov’s Hero (on the Transformation of One Plot)

The article considers indirect plot allusions, V. Nabokov’s explicit and disguised references to the topic related to the terrible characters of Dostoyevsky, to the new embodiments of Pushkin’s and Dostoyevsky’s images.


Достоевский Ф. Полн. собр. соч. : в 30 т. Т. 6. Л., 1973.

Набоков В. Стихотворения и поэмы. М., 1991.

Шмелев И. Лето Господне // Шмелев И. Сочинения : в 2 т. М., 1989. Т. 2.

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