
“Personal geography” as an auto-document (Based on the material of the modern Russian prose)

The article deals with the concepts of auto-document (ego-document), the combination of the artistic and documentary, “personal geography”, which are relevant for the current stage of the literary process. The main purpose of this study is to show, using the example of the latest works of Russian prose, the importance of geographical addresses (understood as spatial landmarks) for the movement of the plot, as well as being a meaning-generating component not only of documentary, but also of artistic texts themselves.

The Poem by Bulat Okudzhava My Son’s Tin Soldier in the Cultural and Historic Context of the 1960s

The poem by Okudzhava is comprehended against the background of a number of texts published during the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Patriotic War. Okudzhava’s unique stand in the situation of the historic celebration is determined, the controversy with Levitansky’s poem The Little Man is traced. It is shown how Andersen’s formula of the ‘persistent tin soldier’ is transformed in Okudzhava’s point of view. The views of Okudzhava and Samoilov on literature about the war are compared.

Discourse as a Cognitive Mechanism

The article proposes a generalization of theoretical discourse studies as a product or result of social relations, as well as a mechanism or instrument of their construction and regulation. The author structures the ideas of discourse, most thoroughly developed in the national philological science, and focuses on the controversial issues related to the research of various types and forms of discourse.

The Problem of Distinguishing Versions and Cyclic Structures in O. Mandelstam’s Lyrics

The article is devoted to one of the difficult problems in the study of Mandelstam’s lyrics, namely the problem of distinguishing different versions and cyclic structures based on repetition and variations of poetic fragments. The author offers the criteria of distinction, analyzes several controversial cases, shows the importance of presenting different versions of text as a dynamic unity.

The Functioning of Phraseological Units in the Context of the Russian-language Press

The article analyzes the functioning of phraseological units in the texts of the Russian-language press and considers the actualizing components of the linguistic context that support the meaning of phraseological units.

Transformation as a Means of Giving Adequate Translation

The article is devoted to the problems of literary translation, in particular to the ways of supplying adequate translation. On the examples from a short story by a famous XX century English writer D.H. Lawrence, the authors of the article show that in the cases where there are no analogues in the target language to the structures of the source language, lexical and grammar transformations prove to be effective. Transformations of this kind, which are used taking into consideration the text function and the context, make up for stylistic shifts inevitable in literary translation.


The article uses the material of the autograph "Ode to Beethoven" to study the peculiarities of Mandelstam's work on the text of this poem. The motive composition of the final version and the cultural contexts that participate in the formation of the semantics of the poem are also taken into account.

The Roman Empire in the Lyric Poetry of the Late Soviet Period (Jaаn Kaplinski and David Samoilov)

In the present paper the extent of allusions to topics in the history of Ancient Rome is assessed within the officially accepted Soviet literature. Different instances of interest towards the Roman antiquity among the poets of the second half of the ХХ century are classified and accounted for. The social and literary context of Rome-inspired Jaаn Kaplinski’s ( Vercingetorix, 1967) and David Samoilov’s ( Remus and Romulus, 1969) lyric poetry is assessed, as well as their relationship with the Classical subject matter and the 19th century civil poetry.

The Problem of Studying the Short Story «Matryona’s Home» by A. Solzhenitsyn in Secondary School

In the article the authors consider the stages of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s texts being introduced in the school curriculum; key problems of studying «Matryona’s Home» in secondary school are identified: the incompatibility of the story with the age of the students, and their lack of cultural and historic facts necessary for a proper perception of the text.

The Poet’s Roses: the Poem of Bulat Okudzhava «I don’t Want to Write…» in the Context of Classical Tradition

Okudzhava’s poem is regarded in the context of the classical poetics of rose, in the background of the traditional situation «farewell to the lira». The parallels with Pushkin’s, Batyushkov’s, Boratynsky’s and Khodasevich’s poetry are drawn.
