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Minz B. A. OVER PAGES AUTOGRAPH "ODE BEETHOVEN" O. MANDELSHTAMA. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 76-?.

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The article uses the material of the autograph "Ode to Beethoven" to study the peculiarities of Mandelstam's work on the text of this poem. The motive composition of the final version and the cultural contexts that participate in the formation of the semantics of the poem are also taken into account.


1 For example, in a foreign collection of works, line 39 looks like this: "The Greeks were afraid to call you" (see: Mandelstam, OE Collected Works, Vol. 4 vol. / Edited by GP Struve and B. A. Filippova, M., 1991. T. 1. S. 45. Next, Mandelstam's texts on this edition are cited with the roman figures of the volume in parentheses, Arabic pages - pages). In domestic publications instead of the word "afraid" is "not dared" - according to the latest author's edition in the "Poems" of 1928 (see: Mandel-stamp OE Kamen, L., 1990. P. 68).

2 Comments // Mandelshtam O.E. Coll. Op .: In 2 tons / Comp. P.M. Nerler, prepared. text and comments. HELL. Mikhailova and P.M. The Nerler. M., 1990. T. 1. S. 470.

3 Margolin SM Mandelstam's world view. Marburg; Lahn, 1989. C. 30.

4 See: V.V. Musatov. Lyrics of Osip Mandelstam. Kiev, 2000. P. 107.

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