
The linguistic and cultural aspects of color meanings in the language picture of the world (Based on the material of English and Russian languages)

The study of the color picture of the world is of interest in the linguistic and cultural aspect, since color is one of the most important means of emotional impact on the reader, color meanings express the author’s view of the world, and are also important for constructing a national picture of the world. There are some patterns that link color values in diff erent cultures of the world. It is worth noting that there are diff erences in color symbols in diff erent languages. It depends on the historical past of the people, its geographical location, etc.

An experience of creating and using linguistic and cultural materials in Russian as a foreign language (On the example of the “MULTI_Saratov” project)

Based on the study conducted by the Department of the Russian Language, Speech Communication and Russian as a Foreign Language, Saratov State University, the possibilities of using linguistic and cultural video materials in the practical aspect of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) are revealed. It is noted that the regional and local materials provide students’ immersion in the cultural and historical environment and facilitate the process of their adaptation.

Speech preferences of modern children: The infl uence of the Internet, foreign languages and cultures

The article analyzes the modern speech of children aged from 2-3 to 14 years and examines how other languages and cultures infl uence it. The research material comprises handwritten and transcribed audio and video recordings of children’s colloquial speech, correspondence of children in the Viber messenger. The material was collected during 2016–2022, its total volume amounts to about 22,000 instances of word usage. The methods used are those of included observation and discursive analysis.

On the specifi c features of legal translation (A comparative study of the German, French and Spanish languages)

Legal terms are not uniform at the international level, but they are closely connected with a national legal system. This implies serious conceptual inconsistencies. The above-mentioned systemic connection leads to the fact that either boundaries of terms’ meanings belonging to diff erent jurisdictions or the degree of their explication may vary. Despite some similarities in legal systems, primarily of European countries, each state has its own legal order, conceptual and terminological systems, specifi c legal rules, forms and procedures of judicial proceedings.

The interdisciplinary nature of customs activities terminology (On the English language material)

This article deals with the issues of the terminological system formation as a set of professional knowledge terms on the example of English customs activities. The terminology of this fi eld of knowledge plays a key role in the formation of a professional language. It is possible to use diff erent approaches in the study of the problems of systematization and classifi cation of lexical units. Firstly, the composition of the customs dictionary should be considered as a unique, integral structure, including separate components – thematic groups of terms.

Everyday business communication: A commercial chat, its specifi c features and role in organizing the life of citizens

The article deals with the study of everyday virtual business communication. The digital age has a huge impact on individuals, signifi cantly changing their lives, and the life of society is increasingly immersed in the virtual space. The material of the study is Internet communication, specifi cally group communication of citizens, residents of Saratov, in one of the commercial chats: the speech of women’s clothing sellers and buyers. The purpose of the study is to show the development of the chat genre and its functioning in business communication.

The problems of ecology of modern scientifi c speech

The study of the norms of modern scientifi c speech, as well as the factors aff ecting its eff ectiveness, is one of the urgent problems of linguoecology. Typical violations of the ecology of scientifi c speech are cases of violations of language norms and stylistic inaccuracies. They are most often found in the unprepared professional speech of young scientists (especially non-philologists).

How to teach sight interpreting applying a scenario-situation model

The article deals with sight interpreting as a necessary stage of teaching the interpreter to work with a foreign delegation within a cultural programme. Proper cross-cultural communication requires skills and experience in working with the authentic Russian and foreign texts, parallel glossaries, in order to enrich the professional thesaurus, and train translation of cultural discourse texts.

Metaphorical nominations characterizing the conceptual sphere of the mechanism (Based on the English popular science Biology discourse)

The paper aims at identifying the connection between the target domain and the source domain (represented by the PARTS OF MECHANISM, MECHANISM REPAIR, MECHANISM ACTIVATION). The author uses continuous sampling method, as well as methods of conceptual and component analysis, in order to elicit multiple target domains and the mapping principle. The sentences under research (512 metaphorical expressions) were taken from various British and American popular science journals on Biology. The author considers the key works written in the field of conceptual metaphor (G.

Linguistic features of American political correctness on the example of the implementation of the “People First” trend in modern English

Political correctness is one of the key values of the American society that characterizes the distinguishing features of the national mentality. The ideas of political correctness are quite vividly represented in American English at the lexical, syntactic and communicative levels. The authors attempt to study the language implementation of the “People First” trend that emerged in the United States in the early 1990s, using the example of transformations in the fi eld of medical terminology.
