Захар Прилепин

Novelistic Prose by Zakhar Prilepin as a ‘Self-Guide of Psychological Situations’

The article considers the problem of auto-psychologism in the oeuvre of Zakhar Prilepin, some psychological features that the writer shares with his characters are identified. The research uses the material of the early novels by Prilepin The Pathologies, Sankya, Sin, which introduce the first stage of the author’s creative development.

Autobiography or Autopsychology? To the Issue of the Author’s Presence in the Fiction Narration

The article sums up the literary experience of studying the autobiographical and auto-psychological principles in a work of fiction; the borders between the well-studied technique of authobiographism and a more complex phenomenon of auto-psychologism are defined. V. Astafiev’s, A. Solzhenitsyn’s Z. Prilepin’s artistic paradigms are reviewed from the perspective of auto-psychology.

Zahar Prilepin’s «Boundary Lyricism»: the Author and the Reader in Prose Works of the turn of XX–XXIst centuries

Interaction between the author and «one’s own» reader inside the literary text (in broader meaning – the problem of the reader) is the main object of the following article. Philological analysis is based upon the prose works of Zakhar Prilepin. The main goal of the research is to determine the parameters of the author’s strategy which is personified in the fiction of the most popular Russian writers at the turn of the XX–XXIst centuries.

The Russian Literary Process of the XXIst Century: Zahar Prilepin and Tatуana Tolstaya «On the Ring» of Facebook

The Russian literary process of the XXIst century is influenced by the highly developed information technology; the works of literature and the authors’ statuses find a new embodiment in the sphere of social media instead of traditional publication forms. The article is dedicated to the controversial literary dialogue between Zahar Prilepin and Tatуana Tolstaya which took place «on the ring» of Facebook.