тематические группы

Zoonyms in the fi gurative space of the language: Metaphor, comparison, phraseological unit

This article discusses linguistic units which actualize the fi gurative potential of zoonyms (animalisms, animal names) – metaphors, comparisons, phraseological units. The purpose of this research is to establish the lexical and semantic features of the units included in the fi gurative fi eld of zoonyms.

Names of kitchen utensils as elements of the food tradition (Based on the Vologda dialects)

The article considers the names of kitchen utensils as elements of the food tradition in the Vologda dialects. Different lexical dialect units that constitute a part of the thematic group “Kitchen utensils” are studied in this article. The meanings of these units and their functioning in speech are also analyzed.

Food Tradition in the Folk Speech Culture: Products, Dishes, Drinks (On the Example of Vologda Dialects)

This article analyzes food tradition in the folk speech culture based on the material of Vologda dialects. The article examines one of the main elements of the food tradition – the names of food items, dishes and drinks. The research is carried out by means of the thematic classification of units: the composition of the thematic group and the functioning of units in speech are analyzed.