
P. A. Stolypin’s rhetorical skill

The article presents a rhetorical analysis of published speeches of P. A. Stolypin, an outstanding statesman of Russia of the beginning of the 20th century, which were presented in the State Duma and the State Council in 1906–1911.


The article deals with the implementation of the ethical component of the communicative competence of the individual in family communication. The author focuses on what often escapes the field of view of the speakers themselves, but has serious consequences for the development of family relations.

A. N. Radischev’s Personality and Creative Work in A. P. Skaftymov’s Perception

A. P. Skaftymov’s article «On the style of “The Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A. N. Radischev» is regarded as one of the most significant works about the book of this author. The methodological basis of the research and the specific character of A. P. Skaftymov’s attitude to the formal method in literary criticism are observed. The conclusions are drawn on how up-to-date the ideas of the scientist are for contemporary science.


A. P. Chekhov’s Letters as the Focal Point of Different Text Types in the Way of Presentation

The author analyzes A. P. Chekhov’s letters from the point of view of literary editing theory as the examples of different text types in the way of presentation. Narration, description, reflection, definition and explanation are considered, and their features are identified.

Contrastive Analysis of the Term Metonymy in the Sphere of Fixation (on the Material of the Russian and German Languages)

The article considers definitions of the term metonymy as a part of the term system of means of stylistic expressiveness on the material of the German and Russian languages. The present research focuses on the necessity of using linguistic methods of describing this section of rhetoric. The author suggests describing the term of this section of rhetoric as a unit of logos. The method of lexical and notional groups is chosen as a way of description.

Rhetoric Roots of A. I. Solzhenistyn’s Novel «The First Circle»

The article analyzes the rhetoric roots of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel «The First Circle». It is proved that the rhetoric nature of the novel as a genre – as described by M. M. Bakhtin and Yu. M. Lotman – is characteristic for Solzhenitsyn’s novel. Research of the rhetoric «sources» of the novel together with other roots of large epic genres in Solzhenitsyn’s oeuvre is an important route to the comprehension of both the nature of the writer’s artistic method and the genre of the Russian novel of the XXth century in general.