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Baikulova A. N., Kulikova G. S. P. A. Stolypin’s rhetorical skill. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 217-222. DOI:
P. A. Stolypin’s rhetorical skill
The article presents a rhetorical analysis of published speeches of P. A. Stolypin, an outstanding statesman of Russia of the beginning of the 20th century, which were presented in the State Duma and the State Council in 1906–1911. An analysis of the manifestation of the most signifi cant concepts of “Russia”, “power”, “law”, “right”, “duty”, “justice”, which the speaker constantly refers to, made it possible to show the specifi c features of his personality: patriotism, faith in people, inspiration by Orthodoxy, the desire for change based on sanity and precise calculation, activity (frequent use of the pronoun I with the words must, ready, etc.), decisiveness, fi rmness in solving state problems, in the struggle to defend the interests of Russia, as he understood them, self-criticism, willingness to take responsibility for his actions. Speech facts that testify to the rhetorical skill of P. A. Stolypin are noted: his concern for the addressee, manifested in the desire to clearly, simply, eminently argue the idea (the strategy of preliminary clarifi cation of the state of aff airs), in the dialoguization of speeches; respect for opponents; a clear structure of speeches, a combination of diff erent styles in them with a special role of high style; the use of various layers and semantic fi elds of lexical units, tropes, rhetorical devices (metaphors, epithets, repetitions, series of homogeneous members, gradation, rhetorical questions and appeals, precedent phenomena, etc.). Of particular importance is the metaphorical nature of speech: the metaphors of the building, illness and recovery are revealed. Rhetorical elocutionary means increase the impact on the listeners, their motivation to make the right decisions. P. A. Stolypin’s special attitude to the word can be seen, which, from his point of view, should be truthful, correspond to actions, thoughts and feelings.
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