
The Problem of Distinguishing Versions and Cyclic Structures in O. Mandelstam’s Lyrics

The article is devoted to one of the difficult problems in the study of Mandelstam’s lyrics, namely the problem of distinguishing different versions and cyclic structures based on repetition and variations of poetic fragments. The author offers the criteria of distinction, analyzes several controversial cases, shows the importance of presenting different versions of text as a dynamic unity.


The article uses the material of the autograph "Ode to Beethoven" to study the peculiarities of Mandelstam's work on the text of this poem. The motive composition of the final version and the cultural contexts that participate in the formation of the semantics of the poem are also taken into account.

Poems of Goldfinch and Their Place in Mandelstam’s Second Voronezh Notebook. Article one

The article is devoted to Mandelstam’s unfinished cycle of goldfinch and its diverse connections to poems of the Second Voronezh Notebook. The author of the article reveals some hidden meanings of the goldfinch poems and connections within the central section of Voronezh Notebooks by analyzing the draft manuscript and the final version.