речевой этикет

The means of expressing the category of politeness in medical discourse (On the material of the doctor and patient speech communication)

The article considers the communicative category of politeness and defi nes the role of this category in the process of professional doctor-patient communication. The category of politeness functions in the form of speech etiquette and is obligatory in doctor-patient conversations. The authors have analyzed the means of realization of speech etiquette and politeness in situations of professional medical communication, and determined those which are most frequently used in strategies of medical discourse.


In Russian and English business conversations, verbal means perform identical etiquette functions, but the actions of Russian communicants are more variable and largely depend on their speech culture, and English ones are normative with a high degree of binding and stereotyping.

Speech Etiquette in Mass Media as a Factor Driving Russian Society Speech Culture

Based on the broad understanding of speech etiquette it is examined in the article how mass media impacts both positively and negatively – due to the infringement of its norm – speech and behavior of people, and even the future of the language.

Language Representation of Concept Health in Etiquette (on the Basis of the Russian and English Languages)

The article is devoted to the comparative study of ways and methods of concept HEALTH representation in modern Russian and English etiquette phrases including phraseological units and proverbs. Theoretical issues are considered in the article. They concern the mechanisms of concept verbalization in standard colloquial expressions of unrelated linguistic cultures. The basic cognitive signs that allow to determine similarities and differences of concept health representation in both language world pictures have been revealed.