Н. В. Гоголь

“The Goat” by M. Zoshchenko and “The Overcoat” by N. Gogol: To the question of intertextual connections

Zoshchenko’s “The Goat” and Gogol’s “The Overcoat” have a strong intertextual connection. The quoted image of the “little man”, the plot, motif reminiscences, similar narrative peculiarities disclose the writers’ literary succession. In this article we will analyze the intertextuality of the writers’ prose on the example of “The Overcoat” and “The Goat”, and consider Zoshchenko’s transformation of Gogol’s plots, motifs; we will fi gure out what meaningful functions the intertexts are performing. The main results are summarized as follows.

N. V. Gogol’s motives in the Russian plays at the turn of the 20–21st centuries (Pannochka by N. Sadur / Viy by V. Sigarev)

The attention of the playwrights and theatre to Gogol’s prosaic text opens new forms of understanding of the classical text, and allows to find in it both deeply personal author’s content and something relevant to the society of a diff erent time. In the plays Pannochka by N. Sadur and Viy by V. Sigarev, the transformation of Gogol’s motives reveals the deep meanings of the story. These are Gogol’s favorite motives of a vague fear of women, eschatological forebodings, the fear of oblivion.

N. V. Gogol and I. A. Krylov in 1830–1835

The article studies the history of N. V. Gogol and I. A. Krylov’s acquaintance in St. Petersburg. Based on a wide range of literary sources it is attempted to identify their relationship in 1830–1835.

N. V. Gogol’s First Acquaintance with the Works of I. A. Krylov

The article examines the facts of Nikolai Gogol’s biography and his several works which shed the light on the author’s early acquaintance with Ivan Krylov’s works. The material from Dmitry Troschinsky’s library has been used for a detailed study for the first time. An epigraph to the fable The Eagle and the Bee for Gogol’s handwritten journal Meteor literatury (The meteor of literature) has been analyzed. It is assumed that Krylov’s oeuvre may have influenced the early Gogol.

The Author’s Cunning in the Play The Denouement of «The Government Inspector»

The article considers one of the satellites of N. V. Gogol’s comedy The Government Inspector in which an important role is played by the phenomenon of the author’s cunning. All the phases and techniques of the author’s play are consistently revealed; they are aimed at offering the readers a new interpretation of the famous comedy.

Adelaida Ivanovna Krugel

The article is devoted to German motives in The Gamblers by N. V. Gogol and their connection with the ways of portraying a fraudulent environment. The author specifically focuses on one of the characters – the sharpie Krugel and the card pack called Adelaida Ivanovna. Moreover, these observations allow to draw conclusions on the ‘background thoughts’ of the author about human nature, hidden in comic dialogues of The Gamblers.

The Denouement in N. V. Gogol’s «The Inspector General» as a Means of Disputing «Theatrical Departure»

The article considers texts accompanying the comedy «The Inspector General». The researcher traces the changes of the author’s assessment of his own texts, the author’s doubts and self-reflection.

Hearsay Motive In N. V. Gogol’s «Mirgorod»: Between the Usual and the Oustanding

Stylistic function of the motives of hearsay and fame are studied in the plots of «Old-World Landowners», «Viy», and «The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich» by N. V. Gogol. Their role in the plot and the chronotopos of the works is considered, as well as their meaning in the space of the stories, their linkages with the motives of emergency and disclosed mystery are regarded.

Strangeness of Time and Space: Based on the Material of the Story «Nevsky Prospekt» by N. V. Gogol

The article investigates strange transformations which occur to the categories of time and space in the story “Nevsky Prospekt”. An attempt is undertaken to explain the concentration of these metamorphoses on the stylistic level of the story and to confirm the psychic nature of the strange as a certain world lookout ingrained in the subject’s consciousness.

K. Vaginov’s Petersburg Text

The article studies the problem of Petersburg text of the Russian literature in the literary works by Konstantin Vaginov, its correspondence to the classical Petersburg text of A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, N. Gogol.