Cite this article as:

Zakharov K. M. Adelaida Ivanovna Krugel. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 60-?. DOI:

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Adelaida Ivanovna Krugel

The article is devoted to German motives in The Gamblers by N. V. Gogol and their connection with the ways of portraying a fraudulent environment. The author specifically focuses on one of the characters – the sharpie Krugel and the card pack called Adelaida Ivanovna. Moreover, these observations allow to draw conclusions on the ‘background thoughts’ of the author about human nature, hidden in comic dialogues of The Gamblers.


Гоголь Н. Полн. собр. соч. : в 14 т. М., 1937–1952. Т. 5.

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Падерина Е. К творческой истории «Игроков» Гоголя : история текста и поэтика. М., 2009.

Слащев Е. О пьесе Н. В. Гоголя «Игроки» // Учен. зап. Киргиз. ун-та, 1954. Вып. 1.

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