
The term and concept of ‘media’: The aspects of hermeneutics of research

The article presents the results of modeling the semantic processes taking place during the hermeneutic interpretation of the Russian term and concept of ‘media’. The paper examines the synonymous pair of the univerb ‘медиа’ (‘media’) and generating word-combination ‘средства массовой информации’ (‘means of mass information’). As a result of semantic condensation, the components ‘information’ and ‘masses’ lose their original semantics, and the ‘intermediary’ component acts as the dominant one.

‘Chinese Casket’: A New Manipulation Instrument in Spanish Political Discourse in the Age of Cyberdemocracy

The article is a case-study of a ‘Chinese casket’, a new manipulative technique used in Spanish Internet resources in the era of cyberdemocracy. The author provides a classification of the ‘Chinese casket’ types. The article analyses manipulative potential of the technique both in political and newspaper discourses, illustrating the point with the use of conspicuous examples found in various Spanish resources.

Manipulation in the American Political Discourse: The Linguo-Pragmatic Aspect

The article provides an analysis of manipulation in the American political discourse of 2015–2016. It is postulated that manipulation inherently belongs to the people’s speech and in particular to the speech of the politicians. In this respect, it is deemed to be wrong to study manipulation in an exclusively negative light. The focus of the research is the effect of the manipulatory impact and this interest is predetermined by the emphasis on the linguo-pragmatic aspects of communication.

Glumov’s Double in the Comedy by A. N. Ostrovsky Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man

The article considers the image of Mashenka Turusina from the play by A. N. Ostrovsky Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man. Analyzing textual behavior of the character, the author proves that the young foster daughter is not only ‘a home martyr’ but also a skillful manipulator who adjusts the environment to her own liking. This game makes her similar to the main character of the comedy – Glumov: he tries to make his way up by flattery and deception. Mashenka and Glumov, respecting each other, seem doubles surrounded by simple-minded ‘masters of life’ on whom their future depends.

Means of Speech Influence of Journalists in Printed Interviews

In the article lexical, syntactic and logical-rhetorical techniques of explicit and implicit speech influence of journalists on the interviewed and on the readers are considered based on the materials of newspaper interviews.