Cite this article as:
Zakharov K. M. Glumov’s Double in the Comedy by A. N. Ostrovsky Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 4, pp. 70-?. DOI:
Glumov’s Double in the Comedy by A. N. Ostrovsky Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man
The article considers the image of Mashenka Turusina from the play by A. N. Ostrovsky Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man. Analyzing textual behavior of the character, the author proves that the young foster daughter is not only ‘a home martyr’ but also a skillful manipulator who adjusts the environment to her own liking. This game makes her similar to the main character of the comedy – Glumov: he tries to make his way up by flattery and deception. Mashenka and Glumov, respecting each other, seem doubles surrounded by simple-minded ‘masters of life’ on whom their future depends.
Журавлева А., Некрасов В. Театр А. Н. Островского : книга для учителя. М., 1986.
Островский А. Полн. собр. соч. : в 16 т. Т. 5. М., 1950.
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