
Alexey Slapovsky’s prose in the perception of Andrey Nemzer

A literary critic Andrei Nemzer was one of the fi rst to draw attention to the work of Alexei Slapovsky, a writer inextricably linked with Saratov. Responses to his works have been published in newspapers and “thick” journals since the early 1990s. The list of the main characters of literature, which Nemzer compiled annually, is not complete without the name of the prose writer, and the mass of reviews is ostentatiously apologetic.

Belles-lettres in Periodicals: аn Experiment of Systematization

The article gives a detailed review and classification of the possible variants of belles-lettres existence on the pages of the printed mass media; a historic correlation and modern collaboration of journalism and literature is traced.


A modern review of the life and work of NG is offered. Chernyshevsky with the involvement of little-studied materials.

Presentation of the Book

The article is dedicated to the books:

Ванюков А. И. Литературный XX век: перевалы, перекрестки, перепутья: сборник статей. Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2017. 324 с.

Бусурина Е. Ю., Иванцова Е. И., Колесникова В. В. Французский язык. Сборник лексико-грамматических упражнений к учебнику «ÉCHO A2», 200 exercices pour «ECHO A2». М.: МГИМО-Университет, 2016. 167 с.

Collisions of ‘Light and Shadow’ in the Modern Russian Literature: Three Short Novels of 2015

The article considers collisions of ‘light and shadow’ in the modern Russian reality on the material of three Russian short novels of 2015.

Vladimir Sorokin’s ‘Anti-Literature’: the Reader as the Target for Trolling

The article is dedicated to the analysis of Vladimir Sorokin’s works of fiction created at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries. The key philological emphasis of the paper is the category of intratextual author and interactive potential of the works of literature created by this contradictory modern writer. The issues of the coexistence of different reader generations in the 1990s and the changes in the literary process of the specified period are given special attention to.

Lifebelts of Art (To the Question of the Aesthetic Concept by O. Forsh)

The article is devoted to Olga Forsh’s thoughts about the nature of art, its purpose, about the role of cultural heritage in the life of society. Theoretical discourse of the writer enables us to understand different stages of her creative career, to come closer to comprehending her aesthetic concept.

Writer – Reader – Critic on the Internet

The purpose of the article is to show how and by what means the Internet has influenced the correlation of the concepts ‘author’, ‘reader’, and ‘critic’ in the modern literary process.

To the Question of the Description of Russian Literary Historical Discourse of the Turn of the XX–XXI Centuries

The paper deals with modern literary historical discourse, its contents, boundaries, intentions, and genres. The material under study spans the works of Russian literature created in the late XX and early XXI century. The main tendencies of the discourse evolution are revealed and methods of its further investigation are suggested.

The Problem of Perception Online Text by Reader

The article shows how and why the role and the portrait of modern Internet reader are being transformed.