Cite this article as:

Vaniukov A. I. Collisions of ‘Light and Shadow’ in the Modern Russian Literature: Three Short Novels of 2015. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 216-219. DOI:

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Collisions of ‘Light and Shadow’ in the Modern Russian Literature: Three Short Novels of 2015

The article considers collisions of ‘light and shadow’ in the modern Russian reality on the material of three Russian short novels of 2015.


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Березин В. На суше и на море. Повесть света и тени // Знамя. 2015. № 5.

Микаэлян С. Не убит подо Ржевом. Повесть-быль / вст. слово М. Кураев // Нева. 2015. № 2.

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