literary process

On the Role of Criticism in Literary Process of the Beginning of the XX‑th Century from the Point of View of Perception

The subject of this article is the analysis of the complexity of literary texts perception in the beginning of the XX-th century, the epoch of change of a cultural paradigm. The author considers such new lines of literary process as «the fashionable writer», change of a publishing policy and type of reader’s perception.

Non-hunters on a Hunt. Features of the artistic world of K. V. Thorzhevsky

The article analyzes the work of the understudied writer of the 19th century, Korneliy Vladislavovich Thorzhevsky, in particular, the poetics of the author’s unique colorful sketches from military life, short stories, novellas, essays is considered on the example of the story The Non-Hunters on a Hunt. The aim of the research is to fi nd an answer to the question about the place of the writer K. V. Tkhorzhevsky in the literary process, about the peculiarities of his author’s style, the originality of the poetics of his artistic heritage.

Post Scriptum to the Half a Century Correspondence (an Unknown Autograph of K. A. Fedin)

For the first time K. A. Fedin’s autograph is published. It concludes the half-a-century history of K. Fedin and K. Chukovsky’s correspondence. Fedin’s notes on one of the last meetings with Chukovsky and his reaction to the news of Chukovsky’s death are considered within the context of the writers’ long-standing relationship.

The Fiction and Reality Relationship in the Literary Criticism of the New Journals of the Second Half of the 1990s

The literary critics of the second half of the 1990s who analyzed the evolution of the literary process can be split into two groups: traditionalists who stood up for the dominance of fiction in poetry and prose, and those who supported non-fiction.