
The interdisciplinary nature of customs activities terminology (On the English language material)

This article deals with the issues of the terminological system formation as a set of professional knowledge terms on the example of English customs activities. The terminology of this fi eld of knowledge plays a key role in the formation of a professional language. It is possible to use diff erent approaches in the study of the problems of systematization and classifi cation of lexical units. Firstly, the composition of the customs dictionary should be considered as a unique, integral structure, including separate components – thematic groups of terms.

Legal standards as a basis of religious interaction (On the example of the Book of Leviticus)

The present work is related to such studies, the subject of which is the interaction of various institutional types of discourses. This article will focus on the biblical discourse, which, compared with the legal discourse, is considered by the author as a special type of interaction of believers based on legal norms. A special study of this issue is of undoubted scientific interest, because addressing this problem is important not only for the study of biblical discourse, which, unfortunately, is currently understudied.

Pushkin’s Conflict in the Prose of A. I. Solzhenitsyn

One of the defining features of Pushkin’s work was the issue of the ‘law and mercy’. The law and mercy conflict is also represented in the prose of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. In his works, Solzhenitsyn gives a distinctive interpretation of this tradition, which defines the main trend of the Russian literature not only of the 19th, but the 20th and 21st centuries as well.

‘A Ray of Humanity’. To the Question of I. A. Goncharov and A. F. Koni’s Correspondence

The article considers one ideologeme of the turn of the XIX–XXth centuries that has been reflected in the correspondence between the writer I. A. Goncharov and the lawyer A. F. Koni. This idea is defined in the notion ‘humanity’. According to the opinion of the two authors of the epistolary under analysis this idea is equally important for both culture and legal procedure.