French language

On the specifi c features of legal translation (A comparative study of the German, French and Spanish languages)

Legal terms are not uniform at the international level, but they are closely connected with a national legal system. This implies serious conceptual inconsistencies. The above-mentioned systemic connection leads to the fact that either boundaries of terms’ meanings belonging to diff erent jurisdictions or the degree of their explication may vary. Despite some similarities in legal systems, primarily of European countries, each state has its own legal order, conceptual and terminological systems, specifi c legal rules, forms and procedures of judicial proceedings.

On rendering formally selected fragments in translation (On the material of french translations of A. S. Pushkin’s novel Eugene Onegin)

This article considers methods of rendering formally selected fragments of a poetic text in translation; the research is based on the material of 16 F rench translations of A. S. Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. The isomorphism of formally selected fragments depends on the poetic form as a whole chosen by the translator.

Some approaches to the study of the semantics of the French preposition à

The article examines some approaches to the semantics of the French preposition à, more specifically its spatial meaning. The researches of the main French linguists which focus on the semantics of the prepositions, including the preposition à, were analysed as a theoretical basis (cognitive approach).


The French language in Quebec is different from the general French norm. Its specifics are clearly manifested in the pages of printed media, on local radio and television. At the same time, Canadian media largely influence the development of a local standard. This article is devoted to the analysis of the quality of the French language of the Canadian media and its impact on national language.


Language Aspects of Economic Globalization

Globalization processes are widely reflected in the way many languages function and develop in the modern world. Based on his own observations and the works of foreign linguists the author of the article analyzes separate aspects of existence and the anticipated prospects of development of the French language under the influence of the economic factor.

The Features of Substantive Polysemy of Regionalisms of the French Language in France

The article reviews the features of polysemic nouns in the French language in France. A detailed classification of metaphoric and metonymic models of polysemic substantive regionalisms is given.

The French Language in the Environment of the English Language Expansion

At the end of XX century, globalization processes have brought the English language to the leading position. It prevails over other languages in many spheres: in economics, trade, engineering, science, computer science, etc. Due to this factor some of the languages have already disappeared, others are disappearing, yet others, and French among them, withstand and continue to retain their rightful place in international communication.