
Ways of compensation for nonverbal communication in SMS

Communication, generally, features not just a system in which the interaction takes place, but also a process, ways of communication, which enable creation, transmission and reception of various information.

Legal standards as a basis of religious interaction (On the example of the Book of Leviticus)

The present work is related to such studies, the subject of which is the interaction of various institutional types of discourses. This article will focus on the biblical discourse, which, compared with the legal discourse, is considered by the author as a special type of interaction of believers based on legal norms. A special study of this issue is of undoubted scientific interest, because addressing this problem is important not only for the study of biblical discourse, which, unfortunately, is currently understudied.

Religious and Medical Discourses: Meeting Points

This article deals with religious and medical discourses, which are considered from a sociolinguistic point of view. Their general sociolinguistic characteristic is given, common discursive signs are revealed, speech and communicative strategies and tactics, as well as ways of expressing them are described. A comparative analysis of these discourses has shown the unity of their purpose, means and methods aimed at treating physical and spiritual diseases.

Family Lexicon (Important Everyday Object Nomination)

The article presents an observation on speech communication in families living in Saratov; it investigates the nomination of important everyday objects such as shops, chemist’s, shoe repair shops, etc, from the anthropocentric perspective.


An attempt has been made to expand the typology of dramatic titles by E.S. Cubreacova. in the framework of the cognitive-discursive approach to the analysis of the language, the term "speech equation" is proposed that contributes to a more accurate and objective coverage of the cognitive-communicative processes of producing the title of the play as a fragment of speech and the reader / viewer of discourse that arises during communication.

Linguo-Philosophical Reflection as a Result of a Long-term Speech Monitoring Survey

The article presents the author’s reflection generated by the results of long-term speech monitoring;
the reflection on the development of science in general and linguistics in particular, on the influence
of media language and speech of general population on the future of the language, on the role of
the Internet in language changes. The author emphasizes the role of the inductive approach and the
danger of inductively unsupported deductive assertions which often slow down the development of

Communicative and Speech Strategies of Representing Scottish National Identity (on the Material of the Regional Analytical Blogs and News Websites)

The author of the article singles out the main strategies of representing Scottish national identity, identifies their historical determination, and presents their link with current world-wide political trends.

Conceptual Framework for the Optimization of Verbal and Non-verbal Business Communication Opportunities

The article examines the theoretical aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication. The author shows the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication in the modern world. It is shown that verbal and non-verbal components are inextricably linked. The author comes to the conclusion about the necessity of optimization of verbal and nonverbal means of influence in business communication.