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Golovenkova E. V. COGNITIVE-DISCRETE SENSE OF THE TEXT OF THE DRAMATICAL WORK. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2010, vol. 10, iss. 3, pp. 33-?.
An attempt has been made to expand the typology of dramatic titles by E.S. Cubreacova. in the framework of the cognitive-discursive approach to the analysis of the language, the term "speech equation" is proposed that contributes to a more accurate and objective coverage of the cognitive-communicative processes of producing the title of the play as a fragment of speech and the reader / viewer of discourse that arises during communication.
1 Cubreacova E.S. On the method of cognitive-discursive
analysis as applied to the study of dramatists-
works (plays as special formats of
The principles and methods of cognitive research
language: Sat. sci. tr. / Otv. Ed. N.I. Boldyrev. Tambov,
2008. P. 30-45.
2 See: Vinokur TG On the language of modern dramatists-
gii // Language processes of modern art-
literature. Prose. M., 1977. P. 130-197.
3 See: Karaulov, Yu.N., The Russian Language and the Language Person.
6 th ed. M., 2007. P. 218-220.
4 See: V. Lukin. Fiction: The Basics of Ling-
theoretical theory. Analytical minimum. 2 nd ed.,
Pererab. and additional. M., 2009. S. 92-100.
5 See: Turaeva Z.Ya. Linguistics of the text. Text: Structure
and semantics: Proc. allowance. 2 nd ed., Ext. M., 2009.
Pp. 53-55.
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