colloquial speech

On the problem of changing the norms of the modern Russian language

The Russian language of the second and third decades of the twentieth century is undergoing signifi cant changes. In the modern digital world, the media is losing its position as the most infl uential sphere of communication, giving way to social networks that are far from normative. The monitoring of the state of modern speech (colloquial, mass media, scientifi c, business, artistic) carried out by the authors of this article shows that a number of changes are taking place in it. Notional parts of speech regularly undergo semantic and stylistic transformations.

Different functions of precedent phenomena in Russian colloquial speech

This article analyzes different functions of precedent phenomena in various linguistic and cultural forms of Russian colloquial speech. The author considers special features of precedent units being used in nominative, ludic, persuasive and password functions in different types of communication.

Different Types of Precedent Phenomena in Cultural Linguistic Forms of Informal Communication (On the Example of the Russian Language)

This article analyzes the use of different types of precedent phenomena. The author examines special characteristics of precedent texts, precedent names, precedent utterances, precedent situations functioning in different cultural and linguistic forms of the Russian informal communication. The author also identifies social and cultural variability of the system of precedent phenomena in the consciousness and speech of the Russian speakers.

Functional Semantic Field Aim in the Dialect and Colloquial Speech

Written on the material of Russian dialect and colloquial speech the article describes purely grammatical means of expressing the idea “aim”, such as introduced by the formal marker «–бы» subordinate clauses, the prepositional case and case forms. It shows common traits in the ways of rendering the same shades of the meaning «aim» expressed by different linguistic means. 

Family Lexicon (Important Everyday Object Nomination)

The article presents an observation on speech communication in families living in Saratov; it investigates the nomination of important everyday objects such as shops, chemist’s, shoe repair shops, etc, from the anthropocentric perspective.

Communication of Strangers

The article is dedicated to the research of the interaction of strangers in the oral informal communication.