авторская стратегия

“Personal geography” as an auto-document (Based on the material of the modern Russian prose)

The article deals with the concepts of auto-document (ego-document), the combination of the artistic and documentary, “personal geography”, which are relevant for the current stage of the literary process. The main purpose of this study is to show, using the example of the latest works of Russian prose, the importance of geographical addresses (understood as spatial landmarks) for the movement of the plot, as well as being a meaning-generating component not only of documentary, but also of artistic texts themselves.

Vladimir Sorokin’s ‘Anti-Literature’: the Reader as the Target for Trolling

The article is dedicated to the analysis of Vladimir Sorokin’s works of fiction created at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries. The key philological emphasis of the paper is the category of intratextual author and interactive potential of the works of literature created by this contradictory modern writer. The issues of the coexistence of different reader generations in the 1990s and the changes in the literary process of the specified period are given special attention to.

Ways of Presenting Knowledge (the Experience of the XIXth Century Scientists)

The author compares signature peculiarities of the scientific discourse texts of the prominent XIXth century scientists Ch. Darwin and H. Spenser from the perspective of pragmatics and ways of knowledge presentation. The main aspects of comparison are text organization, mental presentations and the style of narration.

Zahar Prilepin’s «Boundary Lyricism»: the Author and the Reader in Prose Works of the turn of XX–XXIst centuries

Interaction between the author and «one’s own» reader inside the literary text (in broader meaning – the problem of the reader) is the main object of the following article. Philological analysis is based upon the prose works of Zakhar Prilepin. The main goal of the research is to determine the parameters of the author’s strategy which is personified in the fiction of the most popular Russian writers at the turn of the XX–XXIst centuries.

Dialog with a Reader in Victor Pelevin’s Prose Works: Author’s Strategies and Risks (the Collection «The Pineapple Water for the Beautiful Lady»)

The article is a literary analysis of the categories of «in-text author» and «in-text reade» as active components of the literary text poetics on the material of Victor Pelevin’s prose works. One of the main goals of this research focused on the reader problem is to get closer to the understanding of the modern Russian writer’s author’s strategy.