Cite this article as:
Bazhenova T. E. Vocabulary of secondary dialects of the Middle Volga Region in statics and dynamics. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 261-266. DOI:
Vocabulary of secondary dialects of the Middle Volga Region in statics and dynamics
The article deals with the dialectal vocabulary of Russian dialects on the territory of the Middle Volga region. The author relies on new materials collected in the regional atlas and dictionary. The article provides the facts that the sources reflect the uneven development of dialect lexical systems, in which, on the one hand, under the influence of standardization and inter-dialectal contact, new words appear and, on the other hand, archaisms are preserved. Conservative processes are noted in that part of the vocabulary that reflects the connections of Samara dialects with those of the Vladimir-Volga type. It is noted that the dialect words have a narrow-localized nature and retain the memory of archaic linguistic features. The dynamic character of the language system is manifested in the scope of potential for the production of new words and semantic variants of dialect words. The article provides the facts that new meanings appear in words, previously denoting concepts and realities that have disappeared by now. Dynamic processes are observed in the vocabulary groups of flora and fauna, meteorology, in vocabulary groups united by the topic “Person”. It is concluded that in the context of standardization and globalization, dialectal vocabulary can preserve its traditional features, and dialects retain their communicative capabilities and the ability for word formation.
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