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Hu R. . The role of traditional media in promoting the international image of the People’s Republic of China. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 120-124. DOI:

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The role of traditional media in promoting the international image of the People’s Republic of China

The article concentrates on the analysis of the strategy of the People’s Republic of China to promote its image abroad through traditional mass media. The publications of one of the largest periodical of the People’s Republic of China Nanfang Daily are analyzed. The article emphasizes that at present there is a tendency among the states of the world to create and promote their positive image in the international arena, which creates not only respect for the state, but also the desire to become its partner in politics, business, culture and other spheres of human activity. A special role in this process is played by the mass media, which are tools for infl uencing public consciousness with a fairly good effi ciency, characteristic of them. It is noted that the traditional media of China continue to be an important aspect of politics, all infl uential Chinese media, without exception, remain the state property of the PRC and political materials are strictly controlled by state bodies. Therefore, in the process of creating a positive image of the PRC, traditional mass media, which primarily include printed publications, play a rather signifi cant role. Obviously, in recent years. there has defi nitely been an improvement in China’s image in the global community. Based on the study of the newspaper Nanfang Daily publications, the following image of China was compiled: the country is a reliable partner in many areas of human activity, strong partnership relations have been formed between Russia and China, which have the prospect of further development, China has the image of an economically developed state as it masters new technologies in industry. China is presented as a country that is quite attractive for foreign investment. Certainly, with the support of traditional mass media, China’s image will continue to strengthen in the near future.


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