Cite this article as:
Khramova Y. A. State-of-the-Nation Dilogy by Jonathan Coe. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 469-474. DOI:
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).
State-of-the-Nation Dilogy by Jonathan Coe
The dilogy The Rotters’ Club (2001), The Closed Circle (2004), by a British novelist Jonathan Coe is represented as an integral and coherent narration within the tradition of the British state-of-thenation novel. The article analyzes the role of realistic and postmodern practices in highlighting the social and political problems in the dilogy.
Key words:
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- Coe J. Why are we obsessed with the state-of-the-nation novel? // New Statesman. 2012. July 12. URL: (дата обращения:28.06.2018).
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- Guignery V. Jonathan Coe. L. ; N. Y., 2016. P. 16.
- Guignery V. The Way We Live Now : Jonathan Coe’s Re-evaluation of Political Satire // Études anglaises. 2015/2. Vol. 68. P. 156–169.
- Thurschwell P. Genre, Repetition and History in Jonathan Coe // British Fiction Today / ed. By Ph. Tew, R. Mengham. L. ; N. Y., 2006. P. 28–39.
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- Храмова Ю. Английский роман о состоянии нации вчера и сегодня // Филологические этюды : сб. ст. молодых ученых. Саратов, 2017. С. 187–194.
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