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Ustratova M. V. Specific Character of the Narrative Modality of Pushkin’s Prose Fragments. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 134-138. DOI:

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Specific Character of the Narrative Modality of Pushkin’s Prose Fragments

The article deals with the features of the narrative modality category in Pushkin’s prose fragments. It is concluded that the internal focalization and a homodiegetic narrator dominate in the fragments, the latter explicitly reveals himself through self-presentation. External focalization is actualized in the narrator with the help of the third-person narration. The narrator’s specific features comprise his omniscience of the hero’s steps and actions, and his ignorance of the hero’s inner world, emotions and feelings.

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