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Kulakov A. E. "SELECTED PLACES FROM CORRESPONDENCE WITH FRIENDS" Gogol: The Idea of Service and the Poetics of Her Accomplishment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2010, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 43-?.

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"SELECTED PLACES FROM CORRESPONDENCE WITH FRIENDS" Gogol: The Idea of Service and the Poetics of Her Accomplishment

The main semantic components of the motive of the ministry are revealed, its role in the plot and composition of "Selected places from correspondence with friends", the transformation of the image of the author-preacher into the personified, multifaceted image of the "good Christian".

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8. Grigoriev Ap. Coll. Op.: In 14 vols. M., 1916. T. 8: N.V. Gogol and his "Correspondence with friends." C. 5.
9. Mildon V.I. Aesthetics of Gogol. M., 1998. P. 27.
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