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Cite this article as:

Kostin V. M. Labour, spirituality, courage. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 108-110. DOI:

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).

Labour, spirituality, courage

A peer-reviewed two-volume book of the memoirs was written by a person passionate about his work. Real, genuine speech is heard here, giving away both a Moscovite, a scientist, and a personality with a magnificent sarcastic flair. The memoirs of V. S. Veselovskiy Problems of Our Life are one of the most informative, noticeable and interesting publications of this kind in the 21st century Russia, and they should be included in the mandatory reading list for the students of humanities.

  1. Веселовский В. С. Проблемы нашей жизни. Воспоминания : в 2 т. Т. 1. 1900–1945 / В. С . Веселовский ; публ. В. В. Веселовского ; науч. ред., коммент. и указ. имён В. А . С оломонова. М. : Новый хронограф, 2018. 984 с. : ил. + 12 л. ; Т. 2. 1946–1977 / В. С . Веселовский ; публ. В. В. Веселовского ; науч. ред., коммент. и указ. имён В. А . С оломонова. М. : Новый хронограф, 2019. 1120 с. : ил. + 12 л.
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