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Mokina N. V. CHURCH OF COLORFUL "FOLLOWING SPIRIT" AS "TEXT-MYTH". Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2010, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 33-?.
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The article presents the results of a study of mythological allusions in M. Tsvetaeva's essay "The Captive Spirit". The material allows us to consider this essay as a "text-myth". Developing the personal myth of Andrei Bely about his life as a repetition of the "passions" of Christ and Dionysus, Tsvetaeva approves his concept of the Poet.
Key words:
1. Etkind A., Greltz K. Unsaid about the unrealized: what is the "Captive Spirit" of Tsvetaeva made from? // New literary review. 1996. № 17. P. 96, 95.
2. Lavrov A.V. Andrei Bely: Researches and sketches. M., 2007. P. 105-129.
3. White A. Works: In 2 tons / Intro. item, podg. text of V. Piskunov. M., 1990. T. 1. S. 460.
4. Ivanov Vyach. Dionysus and predionism. Baku, 1923. P. 193
5. Comment V. and S. Piskunov to the publication: Bely A. A. Soch .: V 2 v. M., 1990. T. 1. S. 687 et seq.
6. Hansen-Leuve A. Russian Symbolism. The system of poetic motives. Mythopoetic symbolism. Space symbols. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 172, 274
7. (Florensky P. Notebook (19041905)) // Pavel Florensky and the Symbolists. Experiments literary. Articles. Correspondence / Comp., Prep. text and comments. E.V. Ivanovo. M., 2004. P. 383.
8. Mochulsky K. Andrew White. Tomsk, 1997. P. 56, 57
9. Mints ZG On some "neomifologicheskih" texts in the work of Russian symbolists / / Mints ZG. Poetics of Russian Symbolism. St. Petersburg, 2004. pp. 59-96.
10. Tsvetaeva M. Collected Works. Op.: In 7 vols. M., 1997-1998. T. 5. Prince. 1. P. 332.
2. Lavrov A.V. Andrei Bely: Researches and sketches. M., 2007. P. 105-129.
3. White A. Works: In 2 tons / Intro. item, podg. text of V. Piskunov. M., 1990. T. 1. S. 460.
4. Ivanov Vyach. Dionysus and predionism. Baku, 1923. P. 193
5. Comment V. and S. Piskunov to the publication: Bely A. A. Soch .: V 2 v. M., 1990. T. 1. S. 687 et seq.
6. Hansen-Leuve A. Russian Symbolism. The system of poetic motives. Mythopoetic symbolism. Space symbols. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 172, 274
7. (Florensky P. Notebook (19041905)) // Pavel Florensky and the Symbolists. Experiments literary. Articles. Correspondence / Comp., Prep. text and comments. E.V. Ivanovo. M., 2004. P. 383.
8. Mochulsky K. Andrew White. Tomsk, 1997. P. 56, 57
9. Mints ZG On some "neomifologicheskih" texts in the work of Russian symbolists / / Mints ZG. Poetics of Russian Symbolism. St. Petersburg, 2004. pp. 59-96.
10. Tsvetaeva M. Collected Works. Op.: In 7 vols. M., 1997-1998. T. 5. Prince. 1. P. 332.
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