Literary criticism

Kochkarev’s and Podkolesin’s Games in «Marriage» by Gogol

In the article the point of Podkolesin’s implicit victimization is questioned. The dynamic equilibrium of forces between Kochkarev and Podkolesin is analyzed. This marks gaming possibilities in a human, oppositely directed, but similarly powerful.

The Motive of Absentmindedness and the Parisian Theme in A. P. Chekhov’s Comedy «The Cherry Orchard»

The rich motive of absentmindedness that pervades the last comedy by A. P. Chekhov «The Cherry Orchard» is regarded in this article from the perspective of the Parisian theme forbidden in the household and closely related to innermost passionate anxieties of Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya.

Dialog with a Reader in Victor Pelevin’s Prose Works: Author’s Strategies and Risks (the Collection «The Pineapple Water for the Beautiful Lady»)

The article is a literary analysis of the categories of «in-text author» and «in-text reade» as active components of the literary text poetics on the material of Victor Pelevin’s prose works. One of the main goals of this research focused on the reader problem is to get closer to the understanding of the modern Russian writer’s author’s strategy.

The Type of Woman Artist as Portrayed by D. Rubina and A. Gavalda

The aims of this work are to analyze the pictures of the heroines in the novels by D. Rubina («On the Sunny Side of the Street») and A. Gavalda («Just Together»); to discover how Vera and Kamilla’s character traits are represented in the pictures. The task is to interpret the pictures from the perspective of psychology, to identify the features of the type of woman artist in modern literature.

Sternian Code in the Concept of Peter III Image by Viktor Sosnora

The article analyzes the original concept of the Peter III personality in the essay by V. Sosnora «The Rescuer of the Country». Reminiscences from L. Stern novels, mainly from «The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy», create an interpretation code that corelates controversially with the established historic mythology based on memoire sources.

The Motive of Tropical Colony in Evelyn Waugh’s Work

The motive of tropical colony is traced in Waugh’s writings from the early travel books through «A Handful of Dust» to «The Loved One». The motive’s structural and symbolic functioning is shown to be the integral part of Waugh’s handling of the opposition between barbarism and civilization.

Southern Estate in W. Faulkner’s novels

In the article Faulkner’s interpretation of the Southern estate features is analyzed in novels «The Sound and the Fury» and «Absalom, Absalom!» in the context of the literary tradition of the South. The oppositions «mansion – forest», «forest – garden», «mansion – stable», «dining room – kitchen» are characterized as a part of the basic opposition of «natural – cultural».

Art in the Life and Oeuvre of Arthur Schnitzler

In the article the attitude of the Austrian writer A. Schnitzler to oeuvre and art is considered on the material of diaries and letters, the two main provisions of the concept of the author (oeuvre as therapy and a work of art as a commodity) are distinguished; their reflection in the author’s prose works is shown.

Mandelshtam’s Project «Seven poems» (1930–1931): Cycle or Selection?

The article examines Mandelstam’s unrealized project «Seven Poems» (1930 – 1931). A hypothesis of a cyclic nature of this group of poems, of their imagery and thematic integrity and correlation with other Mandelstam’s cycles is formulated.

Poetry of the Battle Field and of the Rear Area: N. Gumilev and G. Ivanov

The article offers formal criteria of differentiating the military poetry of N. Gumilev from the opinion journalism poetry of G. Ivanov (collection «Fame Memorial»): communicative structure of the poem; the image of the speaker – the image of the rhetorician; tropes preferred; the system of metaphoric models and the ingenuity of their content; figures of speech; the degree of speech being clichéd, etc.
