Cite this article as:

Kabanova I. V. The Motive of Tropical Colony in Evelyn Waugh’s Work. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 77-80. DOI:

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The Motive of Tropical Colony in Evelyn Waugh’s Work

The motive of tropical colony is traced in Waugh’s writings from the early travel books through «A Handful of Dust» to «The Loved One». The motive’s structural and symbolic functioning is shown to be the integral part of Waugh’s handling of the opposition between barbarism and civilization.


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Stannard M. Evelyn Waugh. The Early Years 1903–1939. N.Y. ; L., 1986.

Waugh E. Remote People. L. ; Duckworth, 1931.

Waugh E. When the Going Was Good. Penguin, 1976.

Во И. Незабвенная / пер. Б. Носика // Во И. Мерзкая плоть. Возвращение в Брайдсхед. Незабвенная. Рассказы. М., 1974.

Во И. Пригоршня праха / пер. Л. Беспаловой. М., 2000.

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