Cite this article as:
Kuchumova M. O. The Image Semantics of Windows and Doors in M. Tsvetaeva’s Autobiographical Prose. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 63-66. DOI:
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The Image Semantics of Windows and Doors in M. Tsvetaeva’s Autobiographical Prose
This article is devoted to one of the understudied aspects of M. Tsvetaeva’s prose – the study of the image semantics of windows and doors in the mythopoetics of the house. In the study of the poet’s autobiographical myth it is necessary to take into account that the house, as an archetype, correlates with the inner world of the person; it is the center of the human universe.
Key words:
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