Cite this article as:

Ryasov D. L. BORDER FACILITIES OF THE INLET / OUTPUT IN THE FOLKLORE HOUSE. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 4, pp. 32-?.

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).


The article offers a comparative lexico-semiotic study of the concepts of the folklore picture of the world on the basis of the genre of the folk ballad. On the basis of the thesaurus description of the most frequent lexemes, denoting the boundary loci of entry and exit in the English and Russian houses, the author analyzes the similarities and differences in the socio-cultural representations of the two peoples.


1 Tsivyan Т.V. The archetypal image of a house in the people's
consciousness // Living antiquity. 2000. № 2. With. 2-4.
2 Nikitina SE, Kukushkina E.Yu. House in wedding
lamentations and spiritual verses (the experience of the thesaurus
description). M., 2000.
3 Encarta World English Dictionary. London, 1999. P. 559.
4 The English and Scottish Popular Ballads / Edited by
F.J. Child. New York, 1965. Vol. IV. P. 390.
5 A Book of Brittish Ballads / Edited by Roy Palmer. Felinfach,
1980, No. 34. P. 87.
6 Ibid. No. 34. P. 88, 89.
7 Makovsky M.M. Historical and etymological dictionary
modern English. M., 1999. P.106.
8 The English and Scottish Popular Ballads ... Vol. I, No. 44,
1. P. 402.
9 Ibid. Vol. II, No. 75. P. 207.
10 Ibid. Vol. I, No. 43. P. 395.
11 Ibid. Vol. II, No. 93. P. 328.
12 Ibid. Vol. II, No. 93. P. 330.
13 Ibid. Vol. II. P. 281.
14 Ibid. Vol. II, No. 86. P. 283.

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